When Did The Wall Come Down. There was no wall that divided russia. It came down because various men took a stand against communism over the decades and when reagan came into office he was determined to this site might help you.
You could be referring to another wall, like the berlin wall, which divided berlin, due to russia involvement in berlin, though berlin is not in russia.
What'cha gonna do when the hunger's gone when the hunger's gone pity the child who goes without goes without give him no reason to falter on his way down it's a beautiful world but painful, child tear it down tear it down. Time when the wall was up and also after it came down. Private travel outside the country can now be applied for without prerequisites, he said. And the time will come when the day is done and the fighting's over, the race is run i don't know oh love love you always bring me down oh love love you turn my life around oh i don't know how to tell your back's against the wall is there no place else you'd rather be?